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Little Ninjas - Ages 4-6 30min
Introductory Class
Learn the fundamentals of striking and grappling in a fun and safe group environment where your children can improve their focus, listening, coordination and build an appreciation for combat sports. Lessons taught with an emphasis on movement and games to train these young future fighters.
3x Classes per Week
Youth MMA - Ages 7-14 60min
Beginner to Advanced
Build a real-life skill that is guaranteed to build confidence and discipline. Not only will your child move better and feel better but they will set up the rest of their adult lives with a knowledge of practical self-defense and combat sports. In this class, students focus on learning the striking systems of boxing and kickboxing as well as submission grappling from Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu.
5x Classes per Week
Our kids program supports youths from the ages 4-14. Classes are carefully structured to teach our style of Children's Martial arts in a safe and fun way that is age appropriate and emphasizes good technique and self-contrtol. Our ninjas earn belts to track their progress and stay motivated. Classes vary each day and may include stretching, conditioning, tumbling, and MMA in addition to our normal Kickboxing and BJJ curriculum.
Big Title
Zero Bullies
Zero Bullies
Zero Bullies
Self defense
Mental and Physical
No Hidden Fees
Registration $0
Belt Fees $0
Testing Fees $0
Self defense
Prepare your child for the rest of their life. Give them the confidence they need to succeed.
Modern Martial Arts
We teach a variety of techniques from Kickboxing, Wresting, and Jiu-Jitsu.
Zero Bullies
We stand by a zero tolerance bully policy and integrate bullydefensetools.com in our program.
All new students start with a free
class! Come drop in on a class or call/email for more information!
Please complete our Liability Waiver
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.